Wednesday, February 15, 2006

AOL Instant Messenger

Something technologically funny happened.

How many of you use AOL Instant Messenger? I started my sophomore year of college. To think at this moment I have the ability to talk to 10 people in different blinky boxes is ingenious. But I still think talking on the phone is faster and easier. It's also easier to identify who's on the other line. :)

Like blogger, people have screennames. Others have multiple screennames. Last night, someone signed on who hasn't been on in a while. I thought it was my friend Heidi, but just to make sure, I wrote, "Heidi?" The person responded, "Is this Gwyn from LFC?" Of course, I identified myself, but the person on the other end said, "No, it's not Heidi, guess again!haha" I told the person I honestly didn't remember the screen name. Instead of identifying themselves, mystery messenger began giving me clues!

On the phone, I would have been able to identify the person's voice, or interrogated for an answer. Instead, I was wrapped in a 20-questions conversation that ended with the mysterious screen name stating she (or he) is on Facebook, and I could find out there. :)

As a library student, I should be able to identify the mystery messenger, but I can only find a search mechanism on Facebook for names, not for other information on the profiles. Does anyone know if Facebook has a profile search?

On a sidenote, related but not, I relayed the conversation to my friend Susan, who noted that she has had FULL CONVERSATIONS with screen names she doesn't remember! One time she typed a whole hour to realize she was talking to someone other than she had thought!


Oh technology.


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